August 2023’s UK dealership analysis, brings some 470 changes into focus. Autosites brings you a snapshot of essential data, for those planning for the imminent changes faced within our industry.
August’s changes by vehicle type are broken down as follows: Car - 280, LCV - 86, HGV - 11 and Motorcyle and ATV 93. These figures amount to 21 changes every business day.
Map - UK Dealership Changes By Location August 2023
What good would it be if you couldn’t see where the movements took place? Our map displays an image of the precise location the changes took place. Our subscribers can easily zoom in and see the drive distance between dealerships.
Digging into changes by site type, we can see car dealerships dominating the landscape. For August 2023, we’re up from 48 to 52% on dealerships alone. The picture for aftersales is different with August’s figures down on July (45 vs 23%).
Looking at the changes by category for August, we’ve seen 79 vehicle franchises appointed (vs 69 in July), and 108 relinquished (vs 162 in July). We track a variety of other cataegories in the dataset also.
For businesses that want to see detailed information on a bi monthly basis, our dealership analysis report fits the bill.
For a more in depth picture our dealership database, which powers Autosites - we can report on daily changes across the entire UK vehicle networks.