The UK Dealership Analysis Report for April 2023 presents data across a number of dealership categories. For April, we’ve recorded 265 changes in total.

Breaking the report down across the changes, we have 139 for Car, 27 for LCV, 10 for HGV and 89 for Motorcycles/ATV’s

Aprils changes in location illustrate a reasonable spread accross the country. As usual there are clusters around the capital.

Spreading the changes in data by their site type, the numbers are weighted towards dealerships, the remainder aftersales sites, plus a mixture of used cars and others.

Focusing on the main categories, the UK Dealership Analysis Report for April 2023 highlights a signifiant difference between those relinquishing their franchises and the appointment of new.

For those who need a more detailed dealership trend tracker, we produce a bi monthy subscription here.