As we come to the end of 2024, the usual slowdown has taken its toll. We’ve recorded 270 changes throughout December 2024, that’s still over 13 changes every business day though.
Breaking down December’s changes by vehicle type, gives us 178 for Cars, 19 for LCV’s, and 73 for Motorcycles.
Noting the changes is made easy by our Autosites system, you can toggle the pins for site type changes on and off very easily in the menu. In the graphic below, we’ve shown all changes for the month.
Next up, our infographic illustrates data changes by site type. There are numerous categories tracked within our system, here we’ve just shown a sample of the key ones.
The ‘type’ of change category pulls together all of the updates within the different types of site. For this month, the bulk has been made up of new appointments, terminated franchised agreements and acquisitions.