October-2023 Dealership Network-Update

The October Dealership Analysis Report shows an increase in activity over September. We’re up closer to 400 changes, giving us an increase of precisely 41.

October 2023 Changes to Dealership by Vehicle Type

Breaking the month down for changes by type of vehicle, we’ve totted up 213 on passenger car, 64 on light commercials, 24 on heavy goods vehicles, and finally 92 on motorcycle and ATV. This gives us more than 18 every business day.

October 2023 Change By Dealership Location Type

This months fluctuations in the Dealership network can be conveniently represented across the UK, as we demonstrate here in our map. Clients can easily toggle between different data sets in our Autosites platform. It’s as easy as checking a box (really!). If you are an SMMT data subscriber, you could overlay this with registration data.

October 2023 Data Change By Site Type

Breaking the data down by site type, we can see that Dealerships report the largest change category change at 54%, aftesales sites come in second with 19%, used sites at 10% and sales (new) at just 3%. Others, (which is a mixed bag of additional categories we track) come in at 14%.

October Change By Franchise Category

October’s monthly numbers by franchise category demonstrate our ability to provide insight, by tracking a plethora of different categories. In the mix for this month we’ve uncovered 74 franchises appointed (vs Septembers 58), 37 franchises relinquished (vs Septembers 82).

We also produce a bi monthly report of data changes by the different categories. Very reasonably priced, and delivered straight to the users inbox. Ideal for those who want to use our data for prospecting dealerships, based on their change profile. As well as a detailed .csv file, there is a pdf report explaining the contextual relationship across the various brands.

See you in November.